The president has addressed these accusations directly and denied all of these allegations. And this took place long before he was elected to be president. And the people of this country, at a decisive election, supported President Trump. And we feel like these allegations have been answered through that process.
Sanders routinely implies that the people who voted for Trump were affirming his innocence.
But they weren’t. What Americans thought of the allegations against
Trump in 2016, and what they think about them now, are knowable
questions. Voters suspected Trump was guilty. They still do. They want
an investigation. And if it confirms the accusations, they want him
expelled from office.
In October 2016, a Fox News poll asked: “Who do you think is lying—Donald Trump or the women accusing him of inappropriate behavior?” Fifty-one percent of voters said Trump was lying.
Only 23 percent said the women were lying. Pluralities of white men and
white non-college voters agreed that Trump, not the women, was the
Most surveys framed the question in terms of “advances.” A Washington Post/ABC News poll asked: “Do you think Trump probably has or has not made unwanted sexual advances toward women?” Sixty-eight percent of registered voters said Trump had;
14 percent said he hadn’t. Republicans agreed, 48 percent to 23
percent. So did men (65 percent to 14 percent) and white evangelical
Protestants (50 percent to 18 percent). A Monmouth survey asked about “allegations that Donald Trump made unwanted advances on different women.” Sixty-two percent
of registered voters, including a majority in red states, said the
allegations were definitely or probably true. A Quinnipiac poll asked
about women’s allegations that Trump had “groped or made inappropriate
sexual advances toward them without their consent.” Likely voters said
by a 20 percentage point margin, 51 percent to 31 percent, that they believed the allegations.
Even when the question was framed in terms of assault, the public
said Trump was guilty. In October 2016, a Reuters/Ipsos survey asked
Americans whether they agreed with the statement: “I believe Donald Trump has committed sexual assault in the past.” Sixty-three percent of adults, including 34 percent of likely Republican voters, endorsed that statement.
Two pollsters broke down their findings by presidential preference,
confirming that many people who planned to vote for Trump were doing so
despite their belief in his guilt. A Suffolk poll
asked about women who “accuse Donald Trump of unwelcome sexual
advances.” Thirty-three percent of likely voters said the women were
lying, but 51 percent,
including 12 percent of Trump voters, said they were telling the truth.
An Associated Press survey asked: “Do you think Donald Trump probably
has or has not kissed and groped women without their consent?” Seventy-two percent of voters, including 35 percent of Trump voters, said he probably had.
The Election Day exit poll didn’t ask about these allegations. But it
did ask: “Does Donald Trump’s treatment of women bother you?” Seventy percent of voters said yes.
Trump won because 29 percent of these people voted for him anyway. Why
did they do that? Because they preferred Trump to Hillary Clinton. As
one female Trump voter explained in an interview after the Reuters poll:
“I’m embarrassed that our country can’t come up with better candidates.”
That’s all you can deduce from 2016: A nonplurality of voters, in a
set of states comprising an electoral majority, preferred Trump to
Clinton as president. They did so despite believing he was guilty of
sexual assault.
And that belief hasn’t changed. Look at this month’s polls. From Dec. 8–11, a Politico/Morning Consult survey
asked whether the “sexual misconduct allegations” against Trump were
“credible or not credible.” Twenty-nine percent of registered voters
said they weren’t credible, but 50 percent said they were.
Even respondents who said they had voted for Trump in 2016 marginally
agreed (39 percent to 37 percent) that the allegations were credible.
From Dec. 10–12, an Economist/YouGov poll asked voters whether
Trump “actually did the things he describes” on the 2005 audio recording
in which he bragged about groping women. Fifty-one percent
of voters said he definitely or probably had; only 22 percent said he
definitely or probably hadn’t. Among respondents who said they had voted
for Trump, 47 percent said he definitely or probably hadn’t done what
he boasted about on the tape, but 22 percent said he definitely or
probably had, and another 31 percent said they weren’t sure.
The Trump Exoneration Lie
Reviewed by Edidiong Apostle
December 20, 2017
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